Sustainability Policy
We will contribute to solving social issues through our business activities and aim for sustainable growth together with society.
The SPK Group aims to achieve both "realize a sustainable society" and "group growth" with our management philosophy "to live with Sincerity, to work with Passion, and to attend with Kindness". We take the expectations of society seriously and continue to contribute to society through our corporate activities.
Promotion system
In April 2021, the SPK Group established Investor and Public Relations Office (currently, the ESG Office) in order to swiftly implement sustainability promotion strategies through communication with various stakeholders. ESG Office is responsible for implementing and managing the progress of company-wide sustainability promotion strategies, managing and promoting the environment, society and governance of the entire group in an integrated manner, and disclosing appropriate information.
In order to promote the sustainability promotion strategy company-wide, it is essential to foster awareness and promote understanding of sustainability issues within the company. Therefore, Investor and Public Relations Department is leading efforts to connect business and sustainability while actively communicating with related departments. ESG Office is led by the manager, with members from each business division also participating, and deliberates and approves ESG-related matters related to management decisions, including responses to climate change and conducts ESG-related deliberations and approvals related to management decisions, including response to climate change.
Environmental Policy
- We will endeavor to reduce the environmental burden by considering the impact on the environment throughout the life cycle of our products and services.
- We will comply with relevant environmental laws and regulations and other requirements, and strive to prevent environmental pollution.
- We aim to reduce the burden and carry out business activities in harmony with the environment by making continuous improvements to the global environment. Also, we review them as needed.
- We disseminate information to all employees and those who work at our company to understand the environmental policy.
- We will interact with the local community and society and actively cooperate in environmental conservation activities.
Main Efforts for Environmental Conservation
Toward the Realization of a Prosperous Low-carbon Society
The SPK Group has introduced environmentally friendly renewable energy as described below.The new head office building, which was completed in 2023, has been designed to meet the ZEB READY standard by devising energy-saving measures everywhere, such as using Low-e glass for windows. Furthermore, we are in the process of switching some commercial vehicles to EV vehicles, eliminating plastic bottles, and developing and selling rebuilt and recycled products.
Self-consumption of Electricity from Solar Power Generation
At SPK, we are promoting initiatives to achieve carbon neutrality, such as installing solar power generation equipment at major nationwide sales offices. In 2021, we installed solar panels at the Kinki office, in 2022 at the Nagoya office, and have been generating solar power. We plan to gradually expand to other offices. By consuming the generated electricity ourselves, we are working to reduce CO2 emissions through the use of renewable energy.
Kinki Office
Annual power generation: Approximately 12MWh, Annual CO2 reduction: Approximately 3.78t-CO2*1
Nagoya Office
Annual power generation: Approximately 30 MWh, Annual CO2 reduction: Approximately 12t-CO2*1
Tokyo Office
Annual power generation: Approximately 17 MWh, Annual CO2 reduction: Approximately 6.66t-CO2*1
The Nagoya Office received the highest rating of 5 stars under the Building Energy Efficiency Labeling System (BELS) and was the first SPK sales office to receive "Nearly ZEB"*3 certification, the first ZEB*2 rating.
*1 The figures are just calculated values and may be lower depending on weather conditions and the building's power usage.
*2 ZEB (Net Zero Energy Building) is an abbreviation for buildings aimed at achieving a balance of zero annual primary energy consumption while providing a comfortable indoor environment.
*3 Nearly ZEB refers to buildings that have reduced energy consumption by 75% or more compared to the standard primary energy consumption set by the Building Energy Efficiency Law.
The SPK Group supports the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the United Nations in 1948 and international human rights standards such as the United Nations' Global Compact Principles on Human Rights and Labor, and "Respects the personality and individuality of employees. We will strive to realize a free and fair workplace", and "we will not discriminate against human rights, nationality, ethnicity, religion, beliefs, gender, etc. for irrational reasons. "
In line with these principles of human rights, we support and respect international human rights standards, including freedom of association and respect for the right to group negotiations, prevention of child labor and forced labor, and prohibition of discrimination in employment and occupation, and promote human rights education. We are focusing on the prevention of child labor and forced labor.
Efforts for Diversity Management
The SPK Group sees human resources as the foundation for sustainable growth. It is important to be gender-free, recognize the values and individuality of each person who supports the business, and respect diversity, regardless of race, nationality, gender, age, etc. We are promoting the creation of an environment in which each employee can work by making full use of abilities and aptitudes, and the creation of an organizational culture in which diverse human resources can play an active role.
Prohibition of Unfair Discrimination and Harassment
The SPK Group has set "human resources" as one of the most important factors for the survival and growth of a company, and has adopted a new personnel system since 2021. As a result, we have started a system that can eliminate seniority and promote and evaluate talented human resources gender-free. In addition, we will respect the personality and individuality of employees and strive to realize a free and fair workplace, and no discriminatory treatment will be carried out for irrational reasons such as race, nationality, ethnicity, religion, beliefs, and gender. The SPK Group has set up a consultation desk with outside experts to provide consultation on sexual harassment, power harassment, etc., as well as consultation on general illness, daily worries and mental illness. Taking privacy into consideration, we strive to create an environment where employees can easily consult.
Establishing a Fair and Impartial Personnel System
In order to maximize the abilities of each employee, it is necessary to evaluate each employee fairly according to their roles and achievements, and to provide appropriate treatment, training and utilization commensurate with the evaluation. We have introduced MBO system for personnel evaluations, and we strive to ensure the transparency and fairness of evaluations by having employees confirm their achievements and issues with their superiors through interviews.
Ensuring a Safe and Comfortable Working Environment
The SPK Group is working to create a more rewarding and comfortable workplace, such as work style reforms, work-family balance support systems, and enhanced welfare programs so that employees can work vigorously.
Basic Policy
The management objective of the SPK Group is to "prosper and perpetuate." We believe that the basic idea regarding corporate governance is "compliance" that prevents companies from committing illegal activities and to check "management efficiency" to foster competitive companies. The principles are: a. Maximize shareholder interests over the long term, b. Increase management transparency. Therefore, we recognize that enhancing corporate governance is an important management issue, and we are striving to emphasize compliance.
Pattern Diagram of Our Corporate Governance System
Corporate Governance and Compliance
The Board of Directors of our company strives to appoint independent outside directors (3 members) and select personnel with a good balance of skills and experience so that they can effectively fulfill their roles and responsibilities. In addition, we established Investor and Public Relations Office (currently, the ESG Office) in 2021 in order to actively disclose information and enhance communication with stakeholders.Furthermore, in order to ensure thorough compliance including anti-corruption, we're trying to build the compliance system operated under the guidance and management of Administration Division, Audit and Supervisory Committee, and Internal Audit Office, in cooperation with the Board of Directors, by establishing and operating whistle-blowing rules, etc.In addition, we distribute a card that describes the basic concept of compliance to our employees, and ensure that all officers and employees of our company and Group companies comply with it.